Digital Learning Solutions
In the technological advancement of the 21st century, school classrooms have been quick to catch up with digital learning products and digital learning solutions. However, we need to understand the digital learning products from a pedagogical standpoint to ensure that the digital learning solutions do not inadvertently become a deterrent for learning and development.
In the 21st century, the child is the digital native, the educator is the digital immigrant but it is the role of the school to make child the digital citizen. With the world’s knowledge base doubling every hour according to research and analysis, the digital learning products for schools have to be very unique and specific to each school’s needs. Carrying the pressure of being the best in the competitive world doesn’t let digital learning products comprise on the quality, technology and algorithms they use because everyone wants and deserves the best.

There is a wide variety of options in considering digital learning products for schools which include software, hardware and an integration of the two. However at NatureNurture, we ensure that the digital learning products chosen by the school are consistent with the learning outcomes of the specific class and there is a consistent flow in the overall curriculum planning process.
Schools have to use their financial resources judiciously, and while working closely with NatureNurture, schools can benefit from an integrated digital learning solution whose cost is included in the learning program. We can customize the digital learning products for schools to meet diversified requirements and that makes us a brand - which you can trust and rely on.
With the advent of digital learning products, it was widely believed in the western schools that were the first to adopt them into their classrooms, that they shall completely replace the conventional textbooks and redefine learning. However, more than 3 decades into the revolution, schools have realised that the digital learning products in isolation are unable to address the unique and diversified needs of their learners.
Digital Learning products and solutions are excellent platforms to capture the attention of learners, however they need a central curriculum plan to ensure the content is relevant, age appropriate and in line with the 21st century skills that we want our learners to imbibe.
NatureNurture sees the value that the plethora of digital learning products for schools bring to the classroom, however we always encourage schools to closely evaluate where these products fit into their overall learning outcomes before burdening their school finances and learner’s school time that can be used in much more productive activities.
Connect with us to discuss the scope of learning transformation your school has and then decide upon the digital learning solutions you would need to make your school a better place to educate!